This was not only for the huge saving in weight and greater strength, but also a perfect solution to the age old problems that occurred with the use of wood.
汽車及電單車 / 汽車及電單車優惠 財利船廠有限公司

This was not only for the huge saving in weight and greater strength, but also a perfect solution to the age old problems that occurred with the use of wood.
汽車及電單車 / 汽車及電單車優惠 財利船廠有限公司

專業求婚策劃 + 2小時攝錄服務超值套餐,令另一半畢生難忘,份外感動
結婚 / 婚戒鑽飾囍宴坊 DF Wedding

歡迎訂造亞克力產品, 手錶展示座, 亞加力展示架,亞加力膠箱
M設計 / 珠寶設計Maypro唯美

We offer a relaxing environment with no unnecessary stressors such as barking dogs or unsympathetic handling. We pride ourselves on offering a highly individualized service.
9寵物 / 獸醫9 Lives Cat Hospital

M結婚 / 婚戒鑽飾Marvin Poon Music Production

專業生產潤滑材料和汽車護理產品. 所有產品保證100%德國原裝進口,品牌產品包含德國合成機油、煞車油、水箱精、汽油精、柴油精、機油精、雨刷精、引擎止漏劑、清洗劑、汽車保養品、齒輪油、自動變速箱油(自排油)及工業用油等各式潤滑油品.

新娘試妝優惠$ 350 / 2 個造型 新娘化妝造型 PACKAGE 收費 PACKAGE CONTENTS PRICE (HKD) A 出門 / 註冊 / 晚宴 (1 妝 1 頭 ) 1980 B 出門 / 註冊 + 晚宴 (2 妝 2 頭 ) 2980 伴娘 / 媽咪 / 奶奶化妝及髮型設計一次 C 晚宴 ( 全晚 ) 新娘化妝及髮型設計 ( 不限造型 ) 3880 伴娘 / 媽咪 / 奶奶
G美容 / 化妝Grace

CARETTE beauty online shop 過百款水鑽套鏈、皇冠飾物,款款別緻,各具特色。 婚禮上、舞會上使你的高雅氣質得以完全展現, 定必成為萬人矚目的焦點,獨一無二的主角。 每件貨品都是全新並獨立包裝,也可另配禮盒,送禮自用兩相宜。 聯絡我們: 查詢熱線: 852-9023 1506 查詢及落單: [email protected] 網上商店 : http://hk.user.aucti
C結婚 / 婚戒鑽飾Carette beauty online shop

汽車及電單車 / 汽車及電單車優惠羅賓漢汽車維修有限公司

Our Scope of Service:Performance Tuning,Alignment Service, ECU Tuning, Transmissions, Brake, Suspension Upgrade etc.

Y美容 / 化妝YukiMakeUp

Our objectives are:to promote and protect the interests of Hong Kong garment manufacturers and merchants ;to research into all matters affecting the interests of the trade;
F商業 / 會社、組織及團體Federation of Hong Kong Garment Manfacturers

相信每一位準備結婚的女孩子在這個人生重要的日子都希望在婚禮當日能成為眾人的焦點,而我們認為新娘除了有清雅的婚紗、漂亮的晚裝、華麗的場地配合外。同時,也需要有高貴閃耀的首飾襯托。 現時,許多新娘在籌備婚禮時,往往會忽略了配襯一套大方得體的首飾,而市面上亦甚少專門提供首飾租借服務的店舖。而導至新娘當日未能配戴適合自己的首飾,令到這個人生大日子失色不少,新娘子也未能展現出最閃耀、完美的一面。所以我們致
K結婚 / 婚戒鑽飾Kellary Bridal Jewellery

art jamming, drawing class, nude painting class, Private Party, Birthday party, Company gathering, Opening Exhibition

Causeway Bay, Hong Kong in 1996, carrying baby and children products including furniture, bed and bath goods, baby wear and accessories, toys and gifts.

We(Re-Borny Jewelry Int'l Co Ltd ) are the manufacturer of stainless steel chains & jewelry and the specialist in CNC stone setting on watch cases. In 1977, Re-Borny Headquarter was established i

NESS為意大利著名碳纖產品品牌 定價:港幣450,現以推廣優惠價即港幣350發售,第二個或以上港幣300。 規格: (Made in Taiwan) 金屬外殼,非常堅固 內置2GB記憶體 內置日本Roster大功率喇叭,非常大聲 內置鋰電池 顏色:紅 已附車頭固定架,3.5mm/USB充電及數據傳輸二合一線 播放器特點: 高效率的電路及MicroAmp設計,搭配高容量可重複充電的鋰離子電池,
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